Spring Showcase: Polaris
“Polaris” is a 2D and 3D animated hybrid film directed by Kate Calliet.
Aushna, the Last Traveler, embarks on a quest to bring Light back to her dying city. Through a difficult journey, Aushna comes to a crossroads: Selfishly take the Light for her people, killing its guardian in the process, or allow an ancient being to live.
The crew working on this film is Kate Caillet, Cierra Ramsey, Ana Hallal, Colin Filgate, Brendan Howard, Sai Poffenbarger, Deirdre Scott and Emma Jansson.

The film will be shown at the Spring Showcase at the Lucas Theatre, during the last three days of the quarter.
If there is a student film we have not featured, please reach out to us (lcleme20@student.scad.edu) with the name of the film and the person to contact.