Easy-Breezy Electives: Low Stress, Fun to the Max
Illustration: Nishka Basu
On average, SCAD students have at least three slots for electives, (excluding the two free ones) that they are required to take in order to complete their respective degrees. While electives may be a superb way to dabble in disciplines that are unrelated to one’s major, sometimes all we want is a stress-free, easy-A class that would offset the time and effort put into the grueling ones. So here are a few excellent elective options that are both low effort and enjoyable!
- DSGN115 or Creative Thinking Strategies: Focusing primarily on ideation, research and experimentation, this course consists of lighthearted projects such as making one’s own map, flag, etc. It does not get more low-stakes than this…
- COMM110 or Interpersonal Communication: A deep dive into what makes a relationship tick, this course explores themes of intimacy, miscommunication, and even online dating profiles, through a conversational, open discourse. Plus, it also satisfies the social/behavioral sciences requirement!
- ASTR101 or Introduction to Astronomy: If you are interested in learning more about celestial and planetary systems, this course is a great way to have a clearer — both factual and theoretical — understanding of astronomy! This class satisfies the mathematics/natural sciences requirement.
- CINE205 or Reading Films: A great excuse to watch and analyze films that you have been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time to, this course allows one to connect the dots between the formal components of cinema, and the ways in which they are applied in the making. This course is a fantastic way to geek out about movies and have exhilarating debates.
On the off-chance that you would like something more challenging, here are some other, slightly more demanding electives that are not only fun, but also allow one to expand their creative skill sets.

- PNTG101 or Painting Basics for the Non-Major: Exploring different kinds of media including water-based paints, oil paints and more, this course provides an all-rounded introduction to the world of painting. Disassociate from the stress of your assignments and wind down in this painting class.
- PRMK200 or Printmaking for Non-Majors: Another terrific branch of Fine Art, this course runs one through various printmaking techniques such as mono-printing, screen-printing, lino-cut printing, etchings and more. While this course may not be strenuous, assignments do call for dedication and an attention to detail.
- DRAW341 or Travel Portfolio: If you are planning on going to Lacoste for a quarter in the near future – or anywhere for that matter – this course is a magnificent way to document your travels in a manner that is entirely unique and memorable. Consisting of a mix between sketches, written entries and collected materials, Travel Portfolio is a masterclass in drawing urban, and historical landscapes and structures with a twist.
It is always a great idea to do your own research, find an interesting enough class, and consult your degree planner. But these electives are some (of potentially many) courses that we believe would minimize your headaches and maximize the fun 🙂 Happy learning!!