
Helpful Hints: Time Management & Organization

We all have things that need to get done, yet it always seems like there is never enough time during the day. Why is it so difficult to get everything done? There are several possibilities, such as simply having too much to do, procrastination, prioritization or organization. All of these reasons fall under time management. Someone with excellent time management skills is able to successfully juggle aspects of their life – school, work, hobbies, social life, etc. For those that struggle with time management, here are some ways to improve your skill.

It’s Okay to Not Finish

Nobody’s perfect, so do not feel discouraged if items on your list are uncompleted by the end of the day. You should only expect to get about ⅔ of your tasks completed each day. This is where prioritizing is key, because as long as you complete what is important, you should feel accomplished.


Many find themselves making lists so large that it’s impossible to complete. Tasks from the previous day are carried over onto a fresh list, and this cycle never seems to end. This can be quite disheartening, as it seems like progress is never being made. Learning to prioritize items on your list can rid yourself of feeling a funk. Start by separating your most important tasks. These could be tasks that mean the most to you personally, ones that need to be completed the soonest or ones that have the most impact on you. Make sure these tasks stand out from anything else you need to do. Put them on their own list, or at the very top of your list of tasks.

Do not put medial tasks on your to-do list. These take up extra space, allow you to procrastinate and are not satisfying when you complete them. If you are already in the habit of making your bed in the morning, then it does not belong on your list. If making the bed is not a necessity for you, then it is too minute of a task to make difference based on whether or not it is completed.

Break it Down

Sometimes, important tasks require many things to be down in order to be completed. This can feel daunting at times, especially if you are not looking forward to it. Break down the steps that need to be done for this task to be achieved, make a list of all these smaller steps. This will help make the task less intimidating, as well as show you where you need to begin.


One of the most disruptive habits, whether in regards to productivity or time management, is procrastination. Unfortunately, it has only gotten easier to fall victim to this as technology has improved. In order to eliminate this habit, you must make it difficult to access your distractions. If it is your phone, turn off your notifications or simply turn it off. Take it a step further if you need to and place it somewhere completely out of sight. If working on your computer, do not leave any tabs open that will disrupt your work flow, delete any short cuts on your computer that opens games, social media, etc. Remember, out of sight, out of mind.

If you still find ways to distract yourself, try reminding yourself why this task needs to get done. Thinking about the rewards and consequences associated with the task might motivate you to complete it.

Other methods that might help are to set our own deadline for the task, and to reward yourself only if you meet your deadline. You could also try working with a friend. You may not be working on the task together, but being with someone who is also working may help motivate you.

Stay Organized

Everybody has their own preferred level of organization, so use what works for you. What’s important is to make sure everything has a spot and that items are returned to their place when you are done using them. So if you have clothes piled on your bed, or a stack of dishes bothering you, take time to clean up and put things away. If you leave these piles out, then you may find yourself interrupted or distracted by them while trying to complete a task. It won’t hurt you or your task if you take a few minutes to put things away.

Incorporating these into your routine should help you get organized and productive. If you find yourself struggling or don’t see instant results, do not worry. These tools may take time to master and use in your routine. Just keep in mind that slow progress is still progress.

Illustrations by Jackson Ellis. See more of his work at

Leann Clement

LeAnn Clement is a senior animation student with a storyboard minor and is co-assistant editor of Render Q. Reach LeAnn at