Spring Showcase: Carried Away
“Carried Away” is a 2D animated film directed by Kenan Gopffarth
Meeting someone new can make anyone feel anxious. When Russell falls head over heals for a handsome bartender, his sense of self-doubt knocks him off his feet… literally. In a panic, he floats out into the open night where he must find the confidence within himself to get back down to the man of his dreams.
The crew working on this film is Kenan Gopffarth, Ciara Cronin, Juan Montoya, April Gorman, and An Nguyen.

The film will be shown at the Spring Showcase at the Lucas Theatre, during the last three days of the quarter.
If there is a student film we have not featured, please reach out to us (lcleme20@student.scad.edu) with the name of the film and the person to contact.